Why is ChatGPT such a concern for education?

Hi guys,

This postcard from the edge is about AI writing. You may have seen in news outlets recently that there is some concern over students using an AI text generator called 'ChatGPT' to write essays (even up to degree-level). 

You might be wondering how good this bot actually is and, possibly, how lazy the markers are. Surely it's easy to spot robotic writing?

We'll, a few months ago, I had AI write three short blog posts AND record a podcast episode. To be honest, the results weren't great. However, things seems to have improved. 

I just downloaded the ChatGPT app and asked it to write a blog post a about education in the UK. Here's what it came up with... in seconds. 

As one of the most well-known
education systems in the world, the
UK has long been seen as a leader in
educational innovation and excellence.
From high-profile universities to
state-of-the-art secondary schools,
the country has something to offer all

At the university level, the UK is home
to some of the best universities and
colleges in the world. The Russell
Group, a coalition of 24 leading
research universities, is the most
prestigious grouping. Every year,
hundreds of thousands of international
students flock to these universities
to take advantage of the world-class
education they provide. These
universities and colleges also offer
numerous education opportunities
outside of traditional degree programs,
such as vocational courses, distance
learning and postgraduate research.

The UK's educational system is split
up into several stages. For children
aged below 5, there is early years
education, which is usually provided by
local governments and encompasses
pre-school, kindergarten and reception.
Children then have to begin primary
school at the age of five, where they
spend five years (Year 1 to Year 6)
learning a mix of curriculum-specific
and life skills. After this comes their
secondary school years, lasting from
Year 7 to Year 11. Most students take
the national curriculum during these
years, with the option of specializing in
certain subjects for higher study.

Once the secondary school years
are completed, the next step for
students is the GCSE exam period
(ages 14-16). After achieving the
minimum requirements of five GCSE
grades between A* and C, students
can then decide to either move on to
further education such as A-levels or
vocational qualifications, or go into the

Overall, the UK education system is
highly respected and offers diverse
opportunities suited to every student
and their needs. With a range of
options available, there is something
out there for everyone, and the years
of experience show that the country
has the knowledge, resources, and
commitment necessary to continue
providing a world-class education for
generations to come.

Remember, this was written in *seconds*. The syntax is good; the information is mostly accurate (we now use numbered grades, not lettered); the tone is informative and conversational... Honestly, I think I would be fooled. 

What do you think?