Hello people! Due to being incredibly busy (lots of extra pupils at the moment plus essays and dissertations to complete) I have been unable to write a blog post this week. I have one in mind, a few, actually, and I'll get back to it as soon as I can.

In the meantime, given that I've been at this blogging lark for a year now, I thought it would be a nice time to reflect on the highs and lows of Mr M's Musings.
I've been very lucky. I had one of my posts published on the Times Educational Supplement website; I've been awarded EduBlog of the Week; heck, I've managed to attract readers every week! That's more than I ever expected. This whole blog started out as a way for me to get my thoughts on education out of my head and away from my wife (she's very understanding but has her own stuff to do - she's the one who suggested a blog)!
A sincere heartfelt thank-you to every who retweets my notifications, reads the posts, especially the few who have left comments... it means a lot. In the coming year, I intend to launch a related podcast (after I've finished the MA) and a companion YouTube channel. Well, that's the plan, anyway.
I leave you now with my top 5 (based on views)...

(June 13, 2019 - 304 views)
A post about how to reduce marking stress and time. Full of really useful information for leaving school work at school. I imagine this would now be endorsed by the UK Government, given their 'marking is dangerous' message!
(October 17, 2019 - 112 views)
This was all about how I handle parent-teacher meetings. I am a staunch believer that anything that can't be said in 10 minutes doesn't need to be said. My main advice: open with Is there anything you would like to know?
(March 2, 2019 - 107 views)
One of my favourite days as an educator. Completely off-piste and improvised. Turned the classroom into a news office and the kids into reporters and ended up with a version of Little Red Riding Hood featuring terrorist conspiracies, SAS hitmen and insurgency!
(August 9, 2019 - 98 views)
This was a supply teacher special based on personal experience. I had gone through a terrible ordeal at my school (something I still can't write about for legal reasons - don't worry, I was the victim) and was waiting for my MA to begin. What to do in the interim? Supply teach, of course. This post was all about what to expect; what to demand; and what to walk away from.
(October 3, 2019 - 92 views)
This post was all about getting children to write actual coherent stories. I still use the techniques I talked about and recently had a very nice exchange with someone who wrote a very similar post of their own (even down the to the recommended book!). There are some really useful resources in this one, as well.
So that's my top 5. Like I said, the numbers aren't huge but hey, I'm not the Huffington Post. And someone is reading! So I'll keep on writing. For the year to come, I would love to engage with some of you via the comments, so please do leave some. Disagree with me if you want to, I'm not above debate!
Oh, and just because it's something I would want to know, my least read post of the year...
(May 5, 2019 - 11 views)
What‽ But this one is important!! It's all about keeping your kids safe online at home! Ah well, you can't win 'em all...
I'll be back next week with the more regular format. Hopefully, I'll only have the dissertation left. Wish me luck!
Carl Headley-Morris